I learnt how to drive recently after what seemed like forever…………..Can i get an Amen somebody
As a new driver, all i wanted to do the first few days after finishing driving school and passing my test was to show off my newly acquired skill to as many as i could. Especially those that never thought i would ever be able to handle a steering wheel
Can you imagine!!!……….and yes i did have those amazing friends and family but God did it for me…..Can i get another Amen. However, my struggle didn’t end after i had acquired the skill, i was faced with a serious dilemma on one occasion or probably a few until i had learnt the lesson.
Well, i didn’t know my way around, not like i never went to the places i was trying to get to now but because taxi’s usually take me to these venues directly i never saw the need to familiarize myself with the routes or better still, you can say i was always consumed by my Instagram feed to focus on the road. So here i was with this new skill, yet it wasn’t exactly useful to me. So to solve this problem, i tried using Google map and when i tell you i was confused believe that i was confused and for some reason i just couldn’t drive and listen to this technology because in an attempt to focus on the road and listen to this voice, i kept drifting from my lane and had people shouting at me and yes i confess to shouting back at them most times, I mean how dare they judge me if they haven’t tried driving and getting directions from google map i thought.
Well, i switched google map off and I did the whole driving around town thing for hours because i thought surely i will be able to figure it out soon………. after all i have been in this town for years so how hard can it be. Some one would have thought i would have humbly asked a passerby or even called a friend to direct me but noooooo i was determined to figure it out myself and if it meant me acting like i got this till i did i was gonna do it or so i thought…………….Well,after almost consuming the entire fuel that was supposed to last me at least two days, i finally packed the car, came down and asked some gentlemen for direction and OHHHH HEAVENS……..where i was trying to get to was literally beside me. I had spent hours trying to prove a pointless point to myself and by so doing, i had wasted so much time and resources circling round the very place i was trying to get to without realizing i was just a turn away and if only i had asked, if only i had stopped trying to make it look like i was this young lady who was living her best life behind the wheels and admitted to being this young lady just trying to figure it out………if only.
This challenge reflected a part of me to me………….a part i like to refer to as resilience but some refer to it as stubborn (either way don’t judge just pray for me), the experience however did not just impact my driving but it did my life………………..As a young person i do find myself on a lot of days trying to figure out this thing called life, but i hardly find myself willing to ask how………….probably because i think i know better or maybe because i have the ‘i got this’ attitude or maybe just maybe i am trying to prove a point but what i keep forgetting is that Life is a journey and really we are all just trying to figure it out. But even on this journey i have someone who has already gone through the very route i am on now, and he is all very willingly to just show me what turn to take to get to my destination but i do have to make the decision to stop and ask Him. With my driving that day, i waited until i was almost out of fuel to ask for help and i honestly regretted it.
So i understand now that its ok to say “Lord show me, help me” because in what seems like vulnerability lies Gods very covering over me and in what seems like doubt lies my ability to spread my wings and fly and i am learning to apply it and Lord knows i am loving it because i am not out here screaming at people to move out of my way instead i am just cruising and turning where he says turn
You too can scream ‘LORD SHOW ME’ don’t wait to be on reserve before you do
Signed: ever-growing me